Our Team
Pax staff are committed to applying sound science to support long-term sustainability of our society, the built environment, and the natural world. We work as one team and fully trust each other to make decisions in the best interest of us all. We are proud of the work we do, and remain accountable to one another, with willingness to pitch in wherever necessary, while not overly focused on job titles or defined roles. Most importantly, we pride ourselves on shaping our careers in a way that provides a comfortable balance of work and life responsibilities.
Senior Management
Andy Fredell, MS
Safety Officer, Senior Biologist, Project Manager
Andy Fredell - Safety Officer, Senior Biologist, Project Manager
Andy Fredell has over 15 years of experience with interdisciplinary environmental and natural resource projects throughout California, including restoration ecology, wildlife biology, ecosystem management, fire ecology, environmental policy, and renewable energy. He holds a Master of Biological Science from California State University, Fullerton, and a Bachelor of Marine Science from the University of Hawaii. He has extensive experience conducting marine, aquatic, and terrestrial biological surveys, focused special-status species studies, and biological assessments. Mr. Fredell serves as a Senior Biologist and Project Manager at Pax for a variety of projects ranging from small-scale residential projects to large-scale utility programs. He manages a team of 15+ biologists conducting ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, protocol-level surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. As a natural resource specialist and wildland firefighter with U.S. Forest Service, Mr. Fredell served three years on fuels management and seasonal fire crews for wildland and prescribed fires throughout California. Mr. Fredell is a member of the Association of Environmental Professionals, American Academy of Underwater Sciences, and American Birding Association. In his free time, he enjoys SCUBA diving, fishing, body surfing, backpacking, and birding.
Colleen Del Vecchio
Project Manager, Senior Biologist, Arborist
Colleen Del Vecchio - Project Manager, Senior Biologist, Arborist
Colleen Del Vecchio has 17 years of professional experience handling aquatic and terrestrial wildlife; conducting special-status species protocol level surveys; rare plant surveys; aquatic resource delineations; providing International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) certified arborist services; California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) consultations; environmental permitting (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Regional Water Quality Control Board, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers); and construction compliance monitoring. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Global Studies from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. Mrs. Del Vecchio has been authorized by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to work specifically with California least tern (Sterna antillarum browni), western snowy plover (Chardarius alexandrines nivosus), Least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus), southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), Southern California steelhead (Oncorhychus mykiss irideus DPS 10), tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi), California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii), and desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). As a Project Manager/Senior Biologist and Arborist at Pax, she supports biological assessments, ecological restoration, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In her free time, she enjoys includes birdwatching, botanizing, rock climbing, swimming, and falconry. Colleen is a 2nd year apprentice falconer and plans to hunt with an American kestrel this upcoming season.
Jordan English
Project Manager, Associate Biologist
Jordan English - Project Manager, Associate Biologist
Jordan English holds a degree in Environmental Systems: Ecology, Behavior and Evolution from University of California, San Diego. As a biologist at Pax, he supports storm water sampling, ecological restoration, biological assessments, species specific surveys, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. As part of the Pax Analytics Team, he routinely conducts biological desktop reviews compiling essential natural resource information and assigns avoidance measures for environmental clearance. Mr. English is a member of the American Birding Association and a National Audubon Society volunteer. In his free time, he enjoys surfing and birding.
Karli Hakala
Deputy Project Manager, Associate Biologist
Karli Hakala - Deputy Project Manager, Associate Biologist
Karli Hakala is a field biologist with over 4 years of experience in aquatic and terrestrial wildlife surveying, invasive species survey and mitigation, and forestry management. Ms. Hakala has also conducted regular hydrologic testing in freshwater environments. Additionally, Ms. Hakala has a plethora of consulting experience that includes focused wildlife surveys, as well as, construction monitoring, some of which on protected federal lands. She is proficient in a variety of field applications such as Survey123 and ArcGIS Collector. She has worked in both the private and public environmental sector, and is familiar with state and federal sensitive species policies and regulation. With her free time, Karli likes to try new recipes, go birding, and hike with her dogs and fiancé.
Monika Hartmann
Human Resources Manager
Monika Hartmann - Human Resources Manager
Monika Hartmann has a combined 17 years of human resources, project coordination, administrative leadership, outdoor education, and cross-curricular teaching experience across North America and Europe. She holds dual degrees in Education and English with a concentration in Professional Writing, and is committed to equitable workplace integration, community engagement, and holistic communication practices. As Head of Human Resources at Pax, Ms. Hartmann provides daily guidance and technical editing support to administrators and project managers; administers company payroll and benefits; develops and advises current staff on policies and protocols; recruits, hires, and onboards new team members; and ensures strict compliance with state and federally specified employment laws and regulations. In her free time, she is passionate about rock climbing with her husband, gardening, and photography.
Patrice Ringelstein
Deputy Project Manager, Associate Biologist
Patrice Ringelstein - Deputy Project Manager, Associate Biologist
Patrice Ringelstein holds a Master of Science in Environmental Studies from San Jose State University where she focused on the relationship between water quality and leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) in the San Francisco Bay Estuary. She has over 9 years of experience as an environmental educator and researcher in both the Bay Area and Los Angeles Area having worked at multiple museums and non-profits during that time. She has also participated in various research projects to analyze toxicity levels and species abundance in the San Francisco Estuary with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the California Estuary Institute. As a biologist at Pax, she supports pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, construction monitoring, tehcnical reporting, and provides administrative support for projects throughout southern and central California. In her free time, she enjoys hiking with her family, SCUBA diving, and dancing.
Sarah Novak
Project Manager, Associate Archaeologist
Sarah Novak - Project Manager, Associate Archaeologist
Sarah Novak has over five years of experience conducting and managing archaeological projects throughout California. She is currently completing coursework for her Master of Arts in Anthropology (2023) from California State University, Northridge. She serves as a Project Manager at Pax for a variety of programs and projects ranging from small-scale residential projects to large-scale utility programs. Ms. Novak manages a team of 15+ archaeologists conducting cultural resource surveys, construction monitoring, Department of Parks Recreation 523s, excavations, and more. During her two years at Pax, Ms. Novak has overseen hundreds of work orders for Southern California Edison’s Environmental Clearance Program as well as on-call and large capital projects for other utilities and municipalities across California. She frequently coordinates with construction crews, contractors, and utility companies to ensure Secretary of Interior standards are met. Her excavation experience includes prehistoric, historic, and burial excavations. She has surveyed multiple regions of California (mountain ranges, forests, public lands, and deserts) and has submitted archaeological reports for private, public, government, and military agencies. Ms. Novak has uncovered prehistoric artifacts including tools, foundations, and human remains and she has experience documenting historic artifacts and foundations. She currently supervises undergraduate excavations at Simo’mo. Sarah also volunteers with Ventura County Archaeological Society as the social media liaison. She spends her free time sorting through orphaned archaeology collections and organizing the Stage Coach Inn Museum’s artifacts. Sarah also enjoys hiking, painting and reading. Currently she is part of the Ventura County Archaeology Society, The Egypt Exploration Society, American Research Center in Egypt and the Society of California Archaeology.
Taylor Borsuk
Project Manager, Associate Biologist
Taylor Borsuk - Project Manager, Associate Biologist
Taylor Borsuk is a Project Manager and Associate Biologist at Pax Environmental. Merging his bachelor's degree in Geography & Environmental Studies with over 5 years of experience in wildlife biology and environmental consulting, Taylor achieves client goals by meticulously reviewing utility projects for potential environmental impacts, ensuring regulatory compliance, and ecological conservation. His specialties in nesting bird, special status species, and wetland surveying and monitoring are the cornerstones of his expertise. His commitment to ensuring high-quality deliverables underscores his dedication to both professional excellence and positive environmental impact. Notably, Taylor also assumes the role of a trainer, educating Pax’s team of qualified wildlife biologists on survey and monitoring methodology in accordance with environmental policy and client requirements. Beyond his role as a project manager, Taylor is an avid hiker, birdwatcher, and musician.
Tyler Nahrstedt
Deputy Project Manager, Associate Archaeologist
Tyler Nahrstedt - Deputy Project Manager, Associate Archaeologist
Tyler Nahrstedt has over 4 years of experience in cultural resource management and has conducted field surveys, continuous monitoring, and excavations. He holds a degree in Anthropology/Archaeology from California State University Northridge. Within his field work he has recorded both historic and prehistoric sites, surveyed large and isolated areas, and monitored construction activities for sensitive cultural resource projects. Mr. Nahrstedt has collaborated with members from various Native American tribes at sites across the state of California. He is familiar with utilizing Trimble, Arc GIS, Survey123, and field maps. As an archaeologist at Pax, he supports cultural surveys and monitoring for construction projects throughout southern and central California. Tyler is currently a member of the Ventura County Archaeology Society and enjoys fishing, hiking, and being in nature in his spare time.
Jackie Pinedo
Jackie Pinedo - Accountant
Jackie was raised in Ventura but is currently living in Fillmore. She enjoys hiking and going to the beach with family during her free time. She recently graduated from Cal State Channel Islands working towards her business degree. She would like to someday do a road trip across the US!
Mallory Ybarra
Mallory Ybarra - Project Administration Manager
Mallory Ybarra brings over 17 years of diverse experience in business management, including 12 years as a business owner. With a strong background in bookkeeping, office and property management, and graphic design, Mallory plays a key role in supporting various administrative functions that drive Pax's workflow. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, beach outings, traveling through California with her husband and two children, and baking from scratch to create healthy alternatives to sweet treats.
Margaret Hougland
Margaret Hougland - Project Administrator
Margaret Hougland has over 10 years of experience in employee and office management. Her work experience includes HR, bookkeeping, payroll, equipment management, project management, and scheduling. As a project administrator at Pax, she supports the team with the day-to-day requirements of payroll and invoicing. In her free time, Margaret enjoys taking her daughter and dog to explore hiking trails around her home in Lompoc and crocheting with a good movie or show playing in the background.
Rachel Turner
Rachel Turner - Project Administrator
Rachel Turner lives and works remotely in Chico, CA. She loves living in Butte Creek Canyon because it is a quiet distance from people and it’s teeming with wildlife. Her family has seen mountain lions, bears, foxes, opossums, and wild turkeys all over the canyon and sometimes on her property. Rachel has four kids, two pups, two cats, and nine chickens. When she is not working, Rachel treks around the property, tending to the animals or the gardens. She loves all films, from horror to rom com! Her family is currently experimenting with vegetarian/veganism; they fail a lot but keep cooking new things. One day, she is confident that they will be animal product-free.
Tracey Nisky
Tracey Nisky - Project Administrator
Tracey Niksy holds a BA in Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice from San Francisco State University and brings 15 years of experience in project coordination and inventory management within the California native seed industry. At Pax, Tracey serves as a Project Administrator, assisting with invoicing and various administrative tasks. She lives in Ojai with her partner and two children. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, cooking, camping, and creating handmade cards and candles. She also volunteers with Food for Thought, supporting local Ojai elementary schools.
Biological and Environmental Sciences Team
Alec Carrillo
Alec Carrillo - Staff Biologist
Alec Carrillo holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from California State University, Bakersfield. He has 1 to 2 years of experience with protocol level surveys for solar projects, and biological compliance monitoring in California.His species experience includes surveying and monitoring Blunt-nosed leopard lizards (Gambelia sila), San Joaquin Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica), and Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia). As a Staff Biologist at Pax he supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and or construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. He is a member of the Kit Fox Society, and Intervarsity. In his free time, he enjoys swimming, photography, and reading a good book from time to time.
Alexander Vaca
Alexander Vaca - Staff Biologist
Alexander Vargas Vaca holds a B.S in Biology from CSU Channel Islands. He has 3 years of experience with nesting bird surveys and vegetation surveys. His species experience includes Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus), South Western Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus), California Least Tern (Sterna antillarum browni) and Arroyo Toad (Bufo californicus). He is trained in invasive plant species identification and removal, and wildfire risk mitigation as per the US Forest Service. As a Staff Biologist at Pax, he supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. He is a member of the Ventura Audubon Society and the American Birding Association. In his free time, he enjoys wildlife photography, hiking with his dog, and kayaking.
An Lyu
An Lyu - Staff Biologist
An Lyu holds a Master's degree from California State University Fresno. She has 2 years of experience with special-status plant and animal surveys and monitoring. She presents environmental awareness trainings to work crews; monitors activities to ensure environmental compliance; and prepares survey and monitoring reports for projects throughout California. She has conducted over 50 hours of protocol surveys for blunt-nosed leopard lizard (BNLL) in central California for utility clients, including PG&E. As a staff biologist at Pax, she supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. She is a member of Fresno Animal Center. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering with local animal shelters and taking walks in nature.
Ariana Dorticos
Ariana Dorticos - Associate Biologist
Ariana Dorticos has over 5 years of ecological research experience throughout Southern California, including population genetics, plant physiology, insect herbivory, and pollinator ecology. She has experience conducting biological surveys and monitoring for many sensitive species such as San Bernardino kangaroo rat, Stevens kangaroo rat, California gnatcatcher, desert tortoise, burrowing owl and many more. As a researcher at California State University, San Bernardino, Ms. Dorticos has four years of experience leading projects in the diverse Coastal Sage Scrub and Chaparral, building insight into the impact of habitat fragmentation and the importance of its biodiversity. Currently, she is dedicating her education and research to understanding plant-pollinator relationships occurring in Southern California, and their importance to the local diversity.
Charlie Primuth
Charlie Primuth - Staff Biologist
Charlie Primuth holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Wheaton College. He has 2 years of experience with pre-construction surveys and biological compliance monitoring. His experience includes surveys for special-status species such as burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) before and during construction activities, as well as linear desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) and desert kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) surveys prior to construction activities. He oversaw construction activities through biological monitoring and biological report writing for the Oberon and Arica Victory Pass solar projects from 2022-2024 as well as pre-construction wildlife surveys for the Redonda, Bajada and Easley solar projects. As a Staff Biologist at Pax, he supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar and writing music.
Cherie Yang
Cherie Yang - Senior Biologist
Cherie Yang holds a Master of Science in Accountancy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Bachelor of Science in Biology from the California State University in Fresno. She has 11 years of experience with natural resource management. Her species experience includes protocol-level surveys for fisher (Pekania pennanti), willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii), blunt-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia sila), desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii), great gray owl (Strix nebulosa), spotted owl (Strix occidentalis), and goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). Her experience with the California Department of Parks and Recreation and California Department of Fish and Wildlife provided invaluable experience in handling fish and wildlife and responding to public emergencies. As a Senior Biologist at Pax, Cherie supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. She spends her free time expanding her culinary skills and experimenting with food by reading, watching shows, and mixing different ingredients together.
Erik Refsdal
Erik Refsdal - Staff Biologist
Erik Refsdal holds a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science from Southern New Hampshire University. He has 1 year of experience with assisting with wildlife surveys and monitoring. His species experience includes Sandhill Crane Banding, Electrofishing Surveys(Big Mouth Bass, Catfish, and Croppies), and Shorebird Surveys(Black-necked stilts, American Avocets, Plovers, Sandpipers, Grebes, Herons, etc.). He managed invasive plants using mechanical and chemical methods, conducted surveys, and meticulously tracked herbicide usage while documenting and mapping with ESRI tools. He also assisted with biological surveys, infrastructure maintenance, contributed to written reports on invasive plant management strategies and outcomes. As a Biologist at Pax, he supports the conduction of environmental inspections for special status wildlife and plants, nesting bird surveys and biological assessments for projects throughout southern and central California. He is a member of the Americorps Alumni. In his free time, he enjoys snowboarding, fishing, and running.
Evan Bush
Evan Bush - Associate Biologist
Evan Bush holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management & Protection from California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo. He has over 3 years of experience in biological surveys and monitoring for various SCE infrastructure projects throughout SCE’s service territory.
His fauna species experience includes surveying and monitoring for: nesting birds, woodpeckers, and raptors; as well as sensitive species such as California Red-Legged Frog, California Spotted Owl, Burrowing Owl, Cooper's Hawk, Tricolored Blackbird, Least Bell's Vireo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Monarch Butterfly & Roosts, and Kern Primrose Sphinx Moth.
His flora species experience includes surveying and monitoring for: Santa Barbara Honeysuckle, Gaviota Tarplant, Santa Ynez False Lupine, Late-Flowered Mariposa Lily, Ojai Fritillary, Mesa Horkelia, Agoura Hills Dudleya, Lyon's Pentachaeta, Lemmon’s Jewelflower, Kern County Evening Primrose. As an Associate Biologist at Pax he supports pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and/or construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California.
He has less than 6 months of supervised experience as a wetland delineator and is familiar with the delineation protocols. [Wetland and Waters of the U.S. in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (1987), the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual Arid West Region (Version 2.0) (2010), A Field Guide to the Identification of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) in the Arid West Region of the U.S., A Delineation Manual (August 2008)].
His Professional Registrations, Certifications and Trainings include:
Basic Wetland Delineation, Wetland Training Institute, Inc., 2023
Range Safety Officer, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, 2023. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with friends and family, cooking, hiking, wildlife photography and watching sports.
Hailey Popham
Hailey Popham - Staff Biologist
Hailey Popham holds a Bachelor of Science from California State University Channel Islands. She has 2 years of experience with habitat restoration and biological compliance monitoring for projects in Ventura County. Her species experience includes rare native plants, nesting birds, and Santa Cruz Island endemic species. She aided with the BAR Project in the Channel Islands off the coast of Southern California, suppressing non-native plants on Santa Cruz Island. She is a member of the Surfrider Foundation, Santa Monica Mountains Fund, and Santa Cruz Island Foundation. In her spare time, Hailey enjoys hiking, climbing, making jewelry, and spending time at the beaches nearby. She is proud of her mixed heritage and when visiting family in Jamaica, she volunteers with the Oracabessa Bay Sea Turtle Project, assisting with the release of baby Hawksbill Sea Turtles.
Ivett Plascencia
Ivett Plascencia - Senior Biologist
Ivett Plascencia has served under the Department of Interior agencies, National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service, for 10 years combined. She holds a degree in Biology with an Emphasis in Ecology Evolution, and Organismal Biology from California State University, Channel Islands. Ms. Plascencia has extensive experience performing resource surveys including avian, bat, and vegetation as well as providing biological monitoring for construction and restoration projects. She has worked as Cowbird Trap Technician in the Santa Clara and Ventura River Watersheds and she has assisted in trapping Channel Islands foxes and island skunks on Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park. She also worked on the California High-Speed Rail in the Design-Build Construction Package 4 writing Environmental Clearance Reports and Pre-construction Survey packages. Ms. Plascencia is a member of the American Alpine Club. In her free time, she enjoys rock climbing, gardening, and silversmithing!
Jakob Muntz
Jakob Muntz - Staff Biologist
Jakob Muntz holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Central Michigan University. He has 4 years of experience conducting biological surveys. His species experience includes surveying and monitoring for Mojave/Sonoran Desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii/morafkai), chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), rare native plants, Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida), Mohawk Dunes fringe-toed lizard (Uma thurmanae), and several bat species including big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) and Arizona myotis (Myotis occultus). As a Biologist at Pax, he supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, construction monitoring for projects throughout northern California. In his free time, he enjoys cooking new recipes and sleeping under the stars.
Kipp Marzullo
Kipp Marzullo - Senior Biologist
Kipp Marzullo holds a Master of Science from the University Nevada, Reno. He has 25 years of experience with natural resource work. His species experience includes steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus), California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica), least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus), Southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus), white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus), yellow-breasted chat (Icteria virens), arroyo toad (Bufo californicus), California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii), Coast Range newt (Taricha torosa torosa), blunt-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia sila), Mohave and Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizards (Uma scoparia and Uma inornate), flat-tailed horned lizard (Phrynosoma mcallii), coast horned lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum), whiptail lizards (Teiidae), desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), San Joaquin and island kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica and Urocyon littoralis). As a Biologist at Pax he supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, construction monitoring, nesting bird surveys, wildlife surveys and monitoring, rare plant surveys, vegetation mapping, and wetland delineations, for projects throughout southern and central California. In his free time, he enjoys sailing, bicycling, hiking, yoga, meditation, gardening, and playing music.
Kyle Rader
Kyle Rader - Associate Biologist
Kyle Rader holds a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management & Conservation from Cal Poly Humboldt. Since 2014, Kyle has worked hands-on with an extensive array of bird, mammal, reptile, and amphibian species, both in zoos and in the field. As a field biologist, Kyle has 7 years of experience conducting blunt-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia sila) surveys and is a designated Level II blunt-nosed leopard lizard researcher. He has 3 years of experience trapping Tipton’s kangaroo rat, during which Heermann’s kangaroo rat, grasshopper mouse, deer mouse, and Nelson’s antelope squirrel were also captured and released. As a biologist at Pax he supports species specific surveys, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In his free time, Kyle enjoys volunteering at the California Living Museum. He also enjoys birdwatching, fishing, and hiking.
Kylie Kiefer
Kylie Kiefer - Staff Biologist
Kylie Kiefer holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from California State University, Bakersfield. She has one year’s experience in field surveying, monitoring, data collection, and plant and animal specific research. She is familiar with a multitude of wildlife and plant species and is adept at identifying a variety of species. Relevant coursework includes Ecology, Animal Biology, Plant Biology, and Aquatic Ecology. As a biologist at Pax, she supports pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In her spare time, she enjoys surfing, snowboarding, and hiking.
Malik Lofton
Malik Lofton - Associate Biologist
Malik Lofton holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from University of San Francisco. He possesses 3 years of experience in maintaining environmental compliance on utility construction projects, with a focus on ensuring protected habitats and water features remained undisturbed from construction impacts. His species experience includes surveying and monitoring for Stephens Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys Stephensi), the California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila Californica), Burrowing Owls (Athene Cunicularia) and the Arroyo Toad (Bufo Californicus). He has obtained Geographic Information Systems Certificate from USF & has applied this skill for the identification of BMPs and other environmental resources. As an Associate Biologist at Pax, Malik conducts environmental inspections for special status wildlife and plants, nesting bird surveys, biological assessments, wetland delineation and classification, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In his free time, he enjoys binging shows, playing videogames, and practicing boxing & MMA.
Marielle Medina
Marielle Medina - Associate Biologist
Marielle Medina holds a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology from the University of California, Davis. She routinely supports environmental clearance by conducting Workers Environmental Awareness Program trainings, preconstruction surveys, and biological compliance monitoring for a variety of projects. Her species experience includes surveying and monitoring for Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), Mojave ground squirrel (Xerospermophilus mohavensis), Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), rare native plants, Southern rubber boa (Charina umbratica), California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis), least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus), Stephens’ kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi), San Bernardino Merriam’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys marriami parvus), and coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica). She has worked on both utilities and infrastructure projects for Southern California Edison and Caltrans. As a biologist at Pax, she supports pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California.
Mason London
Mason London - Senior Biologist
Mason London holds a B.A. in Environmental Studies from the University of California Santa Cruz and an M.S. in Biology with a concentration in aquatic ecology from Cal Poly Humboldt. With over 15 years of professional experience, Mason has worked as a botanist, wildlife biologist, and aquatic ecological research scientist and has taught multiple ecological field and classroom courses at the university level.
Mason has extensive experience conducting protocol-level surveys for species such as California red-legged frogs, foothill yellow-legged frogs, western pond turtles, willow flycatchers, Swainson’s hawks, and nesting birds. He has performed botanical surveys in various upland and aquatic habitats and has expertise in wetland delineations along California's North Coast region. Additionally, he is skilled in the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's (CDFW) Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) protocols.
His diverse background includes work as a biologist handling Island Gray Foxes on the California Channel Islands for The Nature Conservancy, serving as a botanist for the Medford, OR district of the Bureau of Land Management where he managed their Native Plant Program, and working as an aquatic research scientist for the Cal Poly Humboldt River Institute.
Mason also has over six years of experience leading and assisting with biological and environmental documentation to support project permits, contributing to numerous National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents. As a Senior Biologist at Pax, he supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout California. In his free time, he enjoys backpacking, biking, and travel.
Megan McBee
Megan McBee - Staff Biologist
Megan McBee holds an Environmental Science and Resource Management degree from Cal State Channel Islands. She has 1 year of experience as a Habitat Restoration Technician conducting vegetation surveys, post-fire restoration, planting of california native plants, removal of invasive plants. Her species experience includes ones that are found in Riparian, Chaparral and Coastal habitats. Through her experiences she has worked with Ventura Land Trust surveying Coastal Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia), seed collection of the state and federally endangered plant Pygmydaisy (Pentachaeta Lyonni) with Fish and Wildlife, and has done various work with the National Park Service on the removal of Yellow-Star Thistle (Centaurea solstitialis) throughout the Santa Monica Mountains. As a Staff Biologist at Pax she will support ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and/or construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. She is a member of the Surfrider Foundation and CAUSE (Central Coast Alliance United for A Sustainable Economy). In her free time, she enjoys hiking, going to the beach and hanging out with her two cats Frankie and Alex.
Mike Biscoe
Mike Biscoe - Staff Biologist
Mike Biscoe holds a Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts, Music Emphasis from California State University, Channel Islands. He has nine years of experience in agriculture and biological fields. His sensitive species experience includes mist netting and banding of least Bell's vireo (Vireo belli pusillus). Other species experience includes restoration and conservation experience with California black walnut (Juglans californica), Western sycamore (Platanus racemose), and Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia). As a staff biologist at Pax, he supports biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In his free time, he enjoys playing with horses, planting trees, and writing music.
Rachel Clark
Rachel Clark - Associate Biologist
Rachel Clark has over 9 years of professional experience working on wildlife-focused projects. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Animal Ecology from Iowa State University. Her work experience includes conducting nesting bird surveys, Pacific Fisher (Pekania pennanti) habitat surveys, waters preconstruction surveys, waters monitoring, and biological resource monitoring. She is a California Department of Fish and Wildlife approved designated biologist for Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni). As a biologist at Pax, she supports pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. Rachel serves as the president of Fresno Audubon. When she's not working, Rachel can often be found birding in the Sierras or along the coast.
Rebecca Birchfield
Rebecca Birchfield - Associate Biologist
Rebecca Birchfield has 11 years of experience in the biological field, including outreach and education. Her survey experience includes bird and nest monitoring, mist netting and bird banding. Rebecca has 6 years of experience with U.S. Fish and Wildlife monitoring shorebird and mammal mortality along the coastline of Ventura County. She holds a degree in Biology from California State University, Channel Islands. Her species experience includes Least bell’s vireo, Tree swallow, Great gray owl, Northern goshawk, Island loggerhead shrike, Pacific-slope flycatcher, and Song sparrow. Other types of surveys on Santa Rosa Island have included invasive plant species removal and involvement in the establishment and continued monitoring of restoration sites for plant and insect species, bird, and plant identification, and inventorying the biodiversity and composition of bird species. As a biologist at Pax, she supports species specific surveys, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In her spare time, she enjoys long distance backpacking, rock climbing, birding, traveling, and exploring the western United States.
Sarah Maddocks
Sarah Maddocks - Staff Biologist
Sarah Maddocks holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from California State University Channel Islands. She has 3 years of experience within research, field data collection, and studying Southern California flora and fauna. Her special-status species experience includes California red-legged frogs (Rana draytonii), California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica) and various special-status insect surveys (Euphydryas editha quino, Rhaphiomidas terminatus abdominalis). Her research experience includes studying Monarch butterfly larvae (Danaus Plexippus), assessing perch locations of Loggerhead shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus), and surveying native bees located on Santa Rosa Island. As a Staff Biologist at Pax, she supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. Sarah is a member of the The Wildlife Society; Central Coast & Southern California Chapter and an active volunteer for Native Monarchs Non-profit. In her free time, she enjoys hiking with her dog, playing board games with friends and family, and playing pickle ball!
Scott Bond Tomkinson
Scott Bond Tomkinson - Senior Botanist, GIS Analyst, Arborist
Scott Tomkinson holds a degree in Environmental Studies from University of California, Santa Barbara. He worked for the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER) at the University of California, Santa Barbara for 5 years where he developed expertise in California plant taxonomy and an intimate understanding of ecological restoration best management practices. As UCSB’s ‘Lagoon Steward’ he managed, wrote grants for, planned and implemented restoration sites in habitats such as: oak woodlands, coast sage scrub, native grasslands, vernal pools, streams, freshwater and saltwater marshes, dunes, and bioswales. He has extensive experience leading teams performing vegetation surveys and restoration activities on multiple, concurrent grant-funded projects. In addition, he has developed databases and created maps in relation to land management using ArcGIS and QGIS. As a senior botanist he supports stormwater sampling, ecological restoration, biological assessments, species specific surveys, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. Mr. Tomkinson is a member of California Native Plant Society. In his free time, he enjoys hunting for wildflowers on his motorcycle, camping, fishing, and travelling.
Tanner Carothers
Tanner Carothers - Associate Biologist
Tanner Carothers is an accomplished field technician with nearly 10 years of fisheries experience handling the endangered humpback chub (Gila cypha), while working in remote and demanding environments. With an undergraduate degree in geology and a soon to be completed masters degree in biology, Tanner has maintained enrollment in higher education courses for over a decade while pursuing his interests in the biological sciences. He has experience with bird and plant identification, inventorying the biodiversity and composition of springs and wetlands, and as a graduate teaching assistant educator. He is a capable outdoorsman and his experience has made him proficient in the identification of the local flora and fauna in different biotic communities around the southwest. Tanner enjoys exploring new places while whitewater rafting, running, hiking and playing disc golf in his free time.
Thomas McNamara
Thomas McNamara - Associate Biologist
Thomas McNamara holds a Bachelor of Science Applied Ecology from California State University, Chico. He has played an active role in multiple flora and fauna surveys and projects. He has 150 hours in bird survey experience, and 1000 hours of personal birding experience. He also has 500 hours documenting, collecting, and restoring California native flora. As a biologist at Pax, he supports pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. He is a member of the Audubon Society, Poison Free Conejo Valley, Homegrown National Park, Conejo Valley Lawns to Habitat, and the National Wildlife Federation. His hobbies include amateur photography, hiking, golfing, and spending time with family and friends.
Tiffany Alvarez
Tiffany Alvarez - Senior Biologist, Arborist
Tiffany D. Alvarez has 18 years of experience in plant and wildlife surveys, biological research, and natural resource management, including 6 years of specialized experience in environmental consulting projects in the southwestern United States. She is federally permitted by the USFWS to conduct protocol-level call playback surveys for Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Southwestern willow flycatcher, and Mexican spotted owl. She has experience conducting Section 404 jurisdictional delineations, as well as experience in bio-monitoring of wetlands/waters sites alongside vegetation management crews for utility line clearance work. She has experience in conducting pre-construction nesting bird surveys and woodpecker surveys, bio-monitoring of avian buffer zones during construction,, and nest clearance post-fledge surveys. She has served as a biological construction monitor for multiple urban revitalization and development projects, utility pole retrofits and replacements, and bridge construction and retrofit work. She regularly conducts Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) trainings at tailboard meetings for construction and vegetation management crews. She routinely collects data in ArcGIS Collector, Solocator, ArcGIS Field Maps, and Survey 123. In her spare time Tiffany likes to do Zumba, go trail running, and is part of a local women’s Mexican folklorico group. She is also a freelance Mariachi (plays violin and sings), and provides divination sessions and healing energy work for the public out of a metaphysical shop.
Wendy Knight
Wendy Knight - Senior Biologist
Wendy Knight holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado. She has twenty-eight years of experience with surveys of sensitive species ranging from butterflies to amphibians and nesting birds. Her species experience includes protocol level surveys and monitoring for California tiger salamander(Ambystoma californiense), protocol level surveys and monitoring for California red-legged frog(Rana draytonii), surveys and monitoring for nesting birds. She holds an active Scientific Collecting Permit and a federal Recovery Permit for California tiger salamander and California red-legged frog. She has been an agency approved designated biologist for many Caltrans highway improvement projects associated with California tiger salamander and California red-legged frog. As a Senior Biologist at Pax, she supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. She is a member of the Wildlife Society and an active member of the Western Section and Central Coast Chapter. In her free time, she enjoys reading, gardening, and spending time with her three sons.
Cultural Resources Team
Bukhu Dashzeveg
Bukhu Dashzeveg - Senior Archaeologist
Bukhchuluun Dashzeveg holds a PhD from Yale University. He has 15 years of experience with archaeological research and cultural resource management. His field experience includes excavation and survey of Bronze Age sites, Neolithic archaeological sites, and mortuary practices across the Mongolian Steppe. He has conducted extensive archaeological surveys across multiple states including California, Washington, and Arizona. Dr. Bukhchuluun has led and participated numerous archaeological projects including the Palm Canyon Cultural Resources Survey for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, and has co-directed major research initiatives at Shiriin Chuluu and the Gobi-Steppe Neolithic Project. As a Senior Archaeologist at Pax he supports archaeological survey, cultural resource assessments, tribal consultation, salvage excavation, and heritage preservation efforts for projects throughout southern and central California. He is a member of the Society for American Archaeology, the Archaeological Institute of America, and serves as a board member for the American Center for Mongolian Studies. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar, reading, and traveling.
Cassidy Phillips
Cassidy Phillips - Associate Archaeologist
Cassidy Phillips holds a bachelors degree in anthropology and a minor in geographic information systems from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He has 12 years of experience with archaeological survey, excavation, and lab work for cultural resource management and academic projects across the state of Alaska. He has specialized in the 3D modeling and mapping of archaeological sites and artifacts. As an associate archaeologist at Pax, he supports the archaeological monitoring and surveying for projects throughout southern and central California. In his free time, he enjoys playing with his kids, hiking the hills around Ventura with his partner, creating 3D animations, and drawing.
Emma Been
Emma Been - Associate Archaeologist
Emma Been has over 3 years of experience in cultural resource management. She holds an Undergraduate Major in Environmental Science Archaeology from Willamette University. Throughout her career as an archaeologist, she has performed artifact identification, reporting, laboratory preparation, data collection, and analysis. Within her field work, she has recorded both historic and prehistoric sites, surveyed large and isolated areas, and monitored construction activities for sensitive cultural resource projects. Emma has collaborated with members from various Native American tribes at sites across the state of California. She is familiar with utilizing Trimble, Arc GIS, Survey123, and field maps. Along with her archaeology experience, Ms. Been has experience in various aspects of land management including surveying fire affected trees and leading construction on land clearing activities. As an archaeologist at Pax, she supports cultural surveys and monitoring for construction projects throughout southern and central California. In her spare time, Emma likes to hike, camp, and spend time with her dogs.
Jorge Peralta
Jorge Peralta - Associate Archaeologist
Jorge Peralta has over 6 years of experience in cultural resource management. He holds a degree in Anthropology/Archaeology from University of California Los Angeles. Throughout his career as an archaeologist, he has performed record searches, reporting, laboratory preparation, data collection, and analysis. He has conducted surveys and monitored in fire affected zones. Mr. Peralta has led excavations, surveys, and monitoring for multiple years. In the field, his work has consisted of surveying, site recording, construction monitoring, and field excavations, as well as managing a team of 5 to 10 field technicians. Mr. Peralta has collaborated with members from various Native American tribes at sites across the state of California. He has also spent the past several years utilizing his GIS certification creating maps in the field and in the office. He is familiar with multiple mapping techniques including compass and field maps, Trimble, Arc GIS, Survey123 and google earth. As an archaeologist at Pax, he supports cultural surveys and monitoring for construction projects throughout southern and central California. In his spare time Jorge enjoys flintknapping and participates in the Society for California Archaeology.
Joseph Rutkin
Joseph Rutkin - Associate Archaeologist
Joseph Rutkin holds a Master's of Arts from La Sierra University. He has 3 years of experience with archaeology. His experience includes Archaeological Monitoring, Pedestrian Survey, and Shovel Test Pits. He has performed this work as a part of the Pelican's Jaw project in Kern County, CA with Sapphos Environmental and in North Dakota as part of the North Plains Connector Project with TRC Companies, along with various other projects. As an Archaeologist at Pax he supports pre-construction surveys and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. He is a member of the Archaeological Institute of America. In his free time, he enjoys Magic the Gathering, painting miniatures, and visiting museums.
Kathryn Whelton
Kathryn Whelton - Associate Archaeologist
Charlie Primuth holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Wheaton College. He has 2 years of experience with pre-construction surveys and biological compliance monitoring. His experience includes surveys for special-status species such as burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) before and during construction activities, as well as linear desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) and desert kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) surveys prior to construction activities. He oversaw construction activities through biological monitoring and biological report writing for the Oberon and Arica Victory Pass solar projects from 2022-2024 as well as pre-construction wildlife surveys for the Redonda, Bajada and Easley solar projects. As a Staff Biologist at Pax, he supports ecological restoration, biological assessments, pre-construction surveys, and construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar and writing music.
Lauren Lemus
Lauren Lemus - Staff Archaeologist
Lauren Lemus holds a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles. She has a year of experience with archaeological surveys and excavation. Within her fieldwork, she has performed artifact identification, reporting, laboratory preparation, data collection, and analysis. Additionally, she has experience in Ancient Roman archaeology, excavating and analyzing funerary structures and burial remains from the 4th-6th Centuries AD. As an archaeologist at Pax, she supports cultural surveys, monitoring, and reporting for projects throughout southern and central California. In her spare time, Lauren enjoys spending time with friends and family, hiking, and surfing.
Mary Donelan
Mary Donelan - Associate Archaeologist
Mary Donelan holds a Master of Arts Degree from California State University, Los Angeles. She has 3 years of experience with Cultural Resource Management. She has experience in various forms of cultural resource management including field surveying and monitoring. As an Associate Archaeologist at Pax, she supports pre-construction surveys, pedestrian surveys, and/or construction monitoring for projects throughout southern and central California. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hiking, and journaling.
Nix Wilson
Nix Wilson - Staff Archaeologist
Nix Wilson holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology with an emphasis in Archaeology from University of California Santa Barbara. During Nix’s studies, they focused primarily on osteology; field school included! While in field school, they excavated an ossuary of commingled human remains. Nix hopes to attend graduate school in a few years to study gender archaeology—they really enjoy learning about gender non-conformity in the past. In their spare time, Nix like to swim, draw, and listen to podcasts. They also enjoy spending time with their partner and cat.
Quinn Riccitelli
Quinn Riccitelli - Staff Archaeologist
Quinn Riccitelli holds a Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University in Anthropology and is currently pursuing a MA in Public Anthropology through California State University, Northridge. He has extensive academic training in archaeology and is familiar with archaeological methods associated with North American, Mesoamerican, and South American cultures. Furthermore, he is trained in both artifact and bone identification and analysis. Additionally, his specific academic background is centered around bioarchaeology and is currently working on a bioarchaeological analysis of ancient Peruvian violence associated with the Wari Empire (c. 600-1000 AD) for his thesis. As an archaeologist at Pax, he supports cultural surveys and monitoring for construction projects throughout southern and central California. In his free time, Quinn enjoys visiting the various archaeological sites of the American Southwest.
Rosie Morales
Rosie Morales - Staff Archaeologist
Rosie Morales has 3 years of experience in archaeological excavation, surveying, and monitoring. Along with this she has experience utilizing GPS technology and GIS software. Her research expertise spans from Northern California sites to Ancient Mayan Cache’s in Belize. Her experience includes both laboratory analysis, in field analysis, documentation and processing of archaeological material, including identification of pre- and post-contact indigenous artifacts to California. Rosie has monitored archaeological excavations, including historic and prehistoric sites. She has also monitored extremely sensitive forensic excavations and burial recoveries. Her most recent field technician experience included monitoring construction crews in Montecito. This work was conducted due to both fires and mudslides and led to the discovery of missing human remains. She successfully navigated through both archaeological and forensic processes while helping direct construction crews.