

At Pax, we like to think globally and act locally. Sustainability is at the core of our mission, transcending traditional boundaries to embrace environmental, business, and social responsibility, and driven by measurable and value-driven outcomes. We are committed to reinvesting in our community through active support of local environmental projects and collaborating with diverse partners to drive positive change. At Pax, we see sustainability as a guiding principle, driving us to make a positive impact on the environment, contribute to our community, and cultivate a workplace that celebrates diversity and innovation.



Sustainability Employee Resource Group

Pax created a Sustainability Employee Resource Group (ERG) to help advance our sustainability goals and mission while creating a culture of sustainability. Tangible goals for 2024 include planting 500 trees, fostering a Pax-funded volunteer program, bolster our environmental, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, and safety training hours, and increasing our giving impact with local non-profits that align with our core values.




Ariana Dorticos

Associate Biologist

"As a biologist, my role contributes to a larger conservation effort, and I get to see the results first hand. Knowing the impact I can make; I prioritize making sustainable decisions at work and in life. In my spare time I enjoy crafting, hiking, and roller skating. I like to extend sustainable practices from homestead to hobbies, by recycling yarn scraps, fabric scraps, and thrift finds into new pieces."

Emma Been

Associate Archeologist

"I am lucky enough to work primarily in our national forests and it has given me an even greater appreciation for our natural world.    I practice sustainability by using reusable packaging for lunches, concentrated soaps, swapped paper towels for cloth napkins at home, and always use reusable bags at the market. I even started a small herb garden!"


Jorge Peralta

Associate Archeologist

“As an Archaeologist I get to enjoy the outdoors for work. Hiking through the many forests of California has given me a greater appreciation for its natural beauty. I believe it is important to be able to allow those in the future to also be able to enjoy the outdoors. My partner and I are in the process of converting our front yard into a garden using only native plants and materials, this should reduce water consumption and help return local plants to the area."

Thomas McNamara

Associate Biologist

"As a biologist I prioritize creating a healthy world for both people and the plants and animals that call earth home. My practices include limiting waste, recycling, mindful consumption, and growing native drought-tolerant plants in my yard. I have even installed an owl box which is a much more sustainable route to pest control"







Each Quarter, Pax will select an employee to volunteer with a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit of their choosing to help create a positive impact in their community.




The Pax Environmental Science Institute (PESI) is an 8-week mentorship program for high school students interested in learning about various environmental disciplines from local professionals. PESI meets annually in the Spring with the goal of inspiring and empowering the next generation of environmental leaders. Since 2020, PESI has been funded by Concerned Resources Environmental Workers/Green Valley Project.



As a company, Pax is committed to reinvesting in our community by supporting local environmental projects in collaboration with our diverse partners. Learn more about each of their work and how you can support by clicking on any of the images.